The most High Request

Rasa Green Tea telah digandrungi Dunia Kuliner. Bukan saja karena rasanya yang segar, akan tetapi Green Tea juga very healthy dikonsumsi oleh tubuh kita. Green Tea Financiers atau Kue Almond Green Tea ini bahkan telah menjadi "High Request" dan menjadi rekomendasi pilihan rasa buat kamu.

Untuk order kamu bisa click pada bagian Contact. 

Selamat Menikmati !!!

The Sweet Milk Caramel Financiers...

Dulche de Leche Financiers ini dibuat dari Brown Butter Financiers ( Original ) yang dicelupkan dengan Dulche de Leche Spread lalu ditaburi sedikit garam diatasnya. Rasanya seperti salted caramel tapi Dulche de Leche ini mempunyai rasa caramel yang berbeda dengan caramel biasa. Karena Dulche de Leche ini terbuat dari susu yang dikaramelisasi, aromanya pun sangat khas begitu juga rasanya.

Untuk Dulche de Leche Spread kamu bisa menemukannya pada bagian SAUCES and click it !

Yummy Chessy !!!

Cheese will always be my favourite flavour... How about you ? Financiers Cheese atau Kue Almond Keju ini selalu menjadi pilihan saya !!! Rasa Kejunya yang nendang ditambah wangi dari biji vanila belum lagi kriuk-kriuk dari almond slicenya.

There are two option molds that you can choose. Gold bar molds or ordinary rectangular molds. You can choose anything you comfort with ^^

Ada 2 macam pilihan bentuk loyang yang bisa kamu pilih. Loyang berbentuk batangan emas atau loyang kotak. Kamu bisa memilihnya sesuai keinginanmu.

To get the information about " Cheese Financiers " price, click on the "shop page". Untuk mendapatkan info mengenai harga dan pemesanan, silahkan klik pada bagian "shop page" 

Enjoy it !

The Best of " Financiers " by LOUISECIOUS


The story behind the name of financier is said to derive from the pastries that were made at the bakeries located close to the French - Paris stock exchange. And because near to the Paris stock exchange so to please its customers, he would have given stage form of gold bars called "financial". That's way the traditional financiers are baked in rectangular mold, which similar with a bar of gold. I use two kind of rectangular molds for my " Financiers ". The patisserie made the sweets to make it easy for the customers to eat without causing troubles on their suits.

Aroma of Cultured Butter and Almond

A financier cake is a simple, light and moist with a crisp, eggshell-like exterior. Contains nuts, butter, egg whites, flour and sugar. Some of flavours I use fresh fruits because the taste more delight with fresh fruits. Whose sole motto freshness. Suitable during breakfast or your "Tea Time".

Hallo Kawans !!!

Financiers cake atau Kue Almond yang berasal dari "Paris" ini sudah hadir di toko kue Bonschery, kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Buat kamu yang tinggal di luar kota ingin request order, ataupun memiliki berbagai macam pertanyaan, kamu bisa klik pada bagian Contact dan mengisi form yang telah tertera.

Choose your favourite flavour :

  • Beurre Noisette ( Brown Butter - Original )
  • Cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Green Tea
  • Lemon

ENJOY the world-quality financier with the aroma of Cultured butter and Almond ! Selamat menikmati !

©Photos by 

Today I returned my hometown and visited my parents who are lives in Cirebon. As you already know...Indonesia has a tropical weather and like usual the weather in Cirebon is more warm than the weather in Bandung. I think it is a normal in here because the city is very close to the beach. 

I really want to drink something fresh now... So I start to sneak peak what's in the refrigerator of my parents #LOL. Suddenly... I get an idea from a watermelon and a bottle of fresh coconut water. 

"Watermelon-Coconut Breeze !!!

It is really easy to make this one..

What you need just :

3 cups cubed chilled watermelon 
1 cup coconut water
A squeeze of fresh lime
Sprig of mint

Then you put all ingredients in blender... Blend until smooth then pour into a glass ( I use glass jar for mine ) and you can add some ice if you like.

It is easy-peasy right ?

Then you can have "WATERMELON-COCONUT Breeze". Hmm Oh may, fresh! Watermelon being naturally sweet, this makes for a healthiest and nourishing drink for all the family members.

Enjoy it !

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